Ayden's Stay at the Hospital :o(

Sunday, August 31, 2008

OK so I am a REAL Slacker!!! So much has been going on in my life lately that updating my Blog has been the last thing on my mind. So for those who have not been updated on a major change....Alan and I are filing for divorce. Right now the kids and I are in Utah trying to sell the house and Alan is still living and working in Sunnyvale, Ca. It has been an up and down roller coaster for me but I have learned to rely on the Lord now more than ever. I have realized that trials, no matter how big or small, are for our good. We may not know what good it is at the beginning or even the end for that matter, but the Lord knows each of us by name and our needs. He is real and will help us each day if we are willing to humble ourselves and ask.


Rachel said...

Kelly. I am so glad that I happened upon your blgo and read this. I was thinking about you this weekend and am glad to know tha tyou are back in Utah. I am sorry to hear about your divorce. Call me (I have a new phone and don't hav eyour number).

sjmiller said...

Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I wish I could be there for you right now to help out in any way shape or form!

I wish I could be there to give you a great big hug!

Let me know if you need anything! Seriously!

Marva said...

You are so strong I know I have said that before but you are and the way you are dealing with the mess is amazing. I'm sure you will be blessed with a Matthew Mccounhay look alike.(I don't know how you spell his name lol) with an amazing spirit.